Friday, April 28, 2006
Haiz...Had a not-so-good day today...Well,firstly,exams..Compo,i sucked..Instead of a compo i wrote something like a novel thing with those kind of expression they have in novels.i dont know if they would allow that.As for malay compo,i forgot the format for letter writing..Blah.I think i would fail for it.As for the compo,i seem to write more vocab words than in english..When i should be good in english...I WAS a pro in malay..(Primary 2 scored 100/100 for malay.heh.Followed by P3 where i got 93/100.)But not now,when i got to know i sucked in it..But my compo will always maintain b'coz had a male malay teacher who teaches me and the HMT student a lot of vocab words.So,i think i got it from him..
Ok..Hold on..Got to eat lunch for a while...
Im back!Had lunch....I dunno what vegetable soup,erm..prawn in sambal and steamed fish with chilli padi...Mann...The chilli padi was damm ears burning..
Ok.BACK TO TOPIC!! now where was I?oh malay...Yeah...Secondary school malay so boring...I'm not really a malay...I dont speak malay at home..Only at times with my maternal grandmother...So yeah...I'm actually not a full malay..Im a little bit of pakistan and javanese(eh,correct right nad?)..My father never speaks malay unless he really has to.Especially during hari raya..Haha.Too bad for him..SO english... =p
But i speak english at home,my english should be better.Just as I've forgotten..I lack in vocabulary...My vocab sucks...Argh..Must work on it...For the sake of learning English...Yeshh...
Nvm...Next semester is another doomed semester for me coz got Home E and History..But i like history..It's nice knowing what our forefathers did for us..I find it,cool!I heard from Yee Jeng,my class prefect(sec 2),said we will be changing art teacher!!or whatever she said...yay!! another teacher!I dont want that bomb to teach us liao...She sucks...I hope she is right,if not im going to kill her.hehe....That reminds me of Swiss Enrichment too! Next semester got Swiss Enrichment...I think i want to take up German..Or French..Which is better?I dont know..I think i'll learn German,so that I and my fren,Feena,could speak German if we talk about something,ehem,secretive...Heh.We always call each other about something and we end up talking about some other things...Lolness! German,here I come...
Tuesday,Geog exam..Im sure going to be dead by then...Im going to fail for it..Especially when the exam includes Map reading...I've always failed my map reading...Ish...Nevermind larh...I dont care if i failed geog...I dont have any interest in it anyway..Why do they have geog anyway,when all of the lessons are so damn boring????? Boring subject!!
Yay!! But the whole of next week coming back at around 10 am..Cool...can stay on the comp longer...But i need to study either when i come back or after i play computer for at least 2 hours...hehe...Can larh..But science must die,die study....Because Mr Lee(ZOOKEEPER!I LOVE CALLING HIM A ZOOKEEPER!!!),sets the paper..Idiot him..Hate him..Lucky he wont be teaching anymore.If not stuck with him for the whole year..That would be boring..I could always sleep in his class...Oops...I can barely open my eyes during his lessons..I cant even open my "beautiful" pair of eyes...Haha..But if its Mdm Low,even worse i can sleep throughout her lesson...From the time she come in to the time she gets out..I want to change to the back if i can coz,i want to sleep.If Miss Tay,it would be better coz,everytime she teach,time pass by very fast although its an hour..
Now,I feel all sleepy and stuff..So I think its bed time for me and tomoro probably i'll start to study my geog and science...Eh,wait,cannot..I have to send my brother to his tuition centre..Darn it..And my ez-link card money is only 65 cents..Oh mann..Die,die, must use my coins....Argh!!
Got to really go now..Im SO VERY SLEEPY.....nights to all..
PS: The time now is only 2.45
there it went
1:45 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
damm...I dont feel like studying anymore...Argh..I don't care if i fail..Simply because i dont feel like passing my exams..or whatsoever.even if im in the top 10/15,i just wont bother about it.its not like im damm clever or just average..get it?AVERAGE! A-V-E-R-A-G-E!!dont feel like blogging today..
Freaking bitch who always have that look i've always hated..She SUCKS! and doesnt she know that???!!!Effer she...Doesnt she know who she is...??Bloody idiot..Act,act,pretend,pretend only she knows..Argh!!!
Forget about.I dont have the mood to blog and talk about that bitch nor my upcoming exams.Im off.To relax my mind or the whole of me.
there it went
6:47 PM
Monday, April 24, 2006
hmm...Today very weird lehh....The bomb wasnt screaming at the calss as she usually do...Weird..Suddenly,she was talking to us SOOOO nicely....And praising others too...I dont know what got on her mind and i dont care...Lucky she didnt went around checking our drawing preparations for exams..Coz as u might have guessed, I DIDN'T DO MY ART HOMEWORK!!! coz,i was too lazy and also because my drawing block finished..I did my mind map in the morning the very minute i reached my classroom and then some sketchings...yeah..and i still havent finished drawing on the third piece and colouring it.nevermind.Heck care larh that bomb.Anyways exams starting this Friday and havent prepared/studied anything for exam..I'll start later on..Before art had Lit as usual..Got to know my actual CA1 results and got 86.7(A1,yay!)..Highest in the class were Min Li and ME!! Get it?Me!! Highest for Lit!! yipee!! Friday got back our test paper for Geog.....AND what i cant believe was that....FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE FOR THE PAST FOUR MONTHS,I PASSED MY GEOG,WITH THE SCORE OF 24.5/30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never believe i passed my geog and got that marks....From F9/E8 to an A1!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! PASSED MY GEOG AND I'M FEELING SOOOO GOOD!! YIPEE!!
ok,i can go mad...forget about it...what am i doing here? Shouldn't I be in my room and studying for the upcoming exams...Esp my science,geog and english??? Argh.....Effing me...Okk.....Got to study..later people.(or person.or whatever.)
there it went
3:58 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
wahlao....****ing b.i.t.c.h was b.i.t.c.hing about me again..F**ker!! She was like(in malay) "Eh,ur socks cannot go any lower arh???!!"(turns away with hatred look on her face)...So what??Is she my parents or my sister or is she a freaking b.i.t.c.h i just know???!!!! f**ker.....I admit that she does have good looks...But she
CANNOT impress
EVERYONE ESPESCIALLY ME with her looks...I dont care,you b.i.t.c.h!! Just because she has a lot of admirers(esp the N[A] &N[T] pupils),good looks and is being pampered,that doesnt mean she can b.i.t.c.h around about others...We do have our own feelings...I know why she's doing this!! She thinks i'm lame,stupid and could always be used....she got that wrong! totally wrong..!! Im 10 times cleverer than her....please larh....Stop b.i.t.c.hing about others while you,yourself is being hated by most of us(my classmates).....So,get out of my f**king life and mind ur f**king own business.... >=<
huh...Got that out of me...Yay! just now was the last day of robotics...Soo happy mann!!! got P+ for it,though it still sucked....Actually could have gotten Distinction if the teacher gave us 5 more mins...Bleh..But my team was kind of blur..SO,we WERE lucky to have help from Jerome...Haha..He helped us install his data into our robot...Whee..Thanks Jerome..finally its over and i no need to see that Daniel's face again...
Speaking of Daniel,Jolene,Val and me found out something bout him....
#1 : I realised he was wearing the same T-shirt(black in colour and a logo of the USA flag..)he told us it wasnt....he said he has 5 black one,5 grey ones and 5....I dunno whats the other 5..nvms.
#2:Jolene realised that he and Rong Hao(my classmate)has the same looks..(except that Daniel has dots on his face. =D )
#3:Val found out that he was the most irratating person in the world...And she kept on sayong to him he looks like 25,and not 17....
Yeah...Thats about all of what we found out...he's retardedly idiotic... He expected my team to get ans F or what he calls "Fantastic"..Then we got the results that we had P+,he was like "yay! You got "Pathetic +" for robotics..." And i was like, "Pathetic plus what?" He replied, "Pathetic + Hopeless"..... helllo!! open ur eyes big,u're the hopeless one!!
Ok,whatever...Havent take my shower since i got home...It's been 1 and a half hour already since i got to go now,before dad,grandma and bros start screaming at me to take shower..lucky mum is not home yet...If not even worse...Could have gotten more scoldings.... = o
there it went
7:09 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
great...Found out someone was bitching about me...Didnt exactly found out,SHE was bitching about me in front of me and she's kind of killing me softly....Like what does SHE have to do with me? Shall not elaborate or type out the name...Yeah,i know i changed my attitude a little..Different from my primary school,so?? WHATS THE FREAKING BIG DEAL FOR THE CHANGE???!!!! everybody change you know...Argh....yes,i admit that i fold my skirt coz,it long and its annoying me..But at least i'm better than HER, who doesn't seem to wear socks,altering her skirt,which is sooo not allowed(demerits points given to those who alter) and having a bf who is in sec 2/3!!!So who's better, SHE or me??? Im not that bad..My socks are just below the border line of the shoe(though sometimes,i tend to wear lower than that)...And my skirt i fold it coz it's too long and freaking annoying me.....Academically,I'm most of the time in the top 10/20...While she??Got the bottom 10...Thats what she get for flirting with boys too much and bitching about people too much...If anyone of you know who i'm talking about,just dont tell that person,coz if you do,that means you're supporting HER wrongdoings...And like hello,you are mixing with the N(A) people who are kind of rude and has soooo many other things that they have done wrong.....WHATEVER............SHE wants to act cool somemore,I have this feeling she might drop to N(A) in sec 3....Because seriously,i have seen her work before,and there are soo not the target she should be achieving...It's ok to be a nerd coz they will succeed in life unlike SOME people....Who thinks of ONLY fun and MIRACLE...
there it went
5:00 PM
Monday, April 17, 2006
Argh!! i hate the freaking bomb!!! she sucks to hell mann!! Everytime scold here and there!! cannot stop scolding or what siah?! I wish that this freaking BOMB is going to be sacked very soon. She even made the monitor,Haqim,cry....The reason?
Reason #1: She lost Haqim's same piece of art work 3 times, and blames him for not doing the freaking colour control.
Reason #2: She scolded him and shouted at him "YOU ARH,SANGAT MALAS!!!!SANGAT MALAS YOU KNOW THAT?!!!".....sangat malas means very hello!! He sent in his art work 3 times and YOU lost it,you blame him???!!! I'll say YOU,MISS HENG, ARE THE SANGAT MALAS ONE!!
effing teacher.. >=< How can she scold such a responsible monitor??? Haqim is soo innocent and responsible.....Haqim was the one giving instructions to the class,collecting what he is supposed to and handing homework ON time...And yet,she could do this? This make me feel like complaining to the principal even more....
And you know,she can even say this, "CLASS!! i've been so kind to you.You must appreciate all my kindness you know..I dont want to fail you in art,i want to make you pass..You know i'm sooooo kind..." *wiping her OWN neck and face with towel*. PLEASE larh!! i want to puke you know...You want to pass us in art,speak to us kindly,not SHOUT at us...Fool...Do any of you consider a teacher who ALWAYS shouts at HER students,just to make them pass,a kind teacher??And hello,she lost the art pieces,and blames others for it??So irresponsible,yet she doesnt want to admit it...Miss Heng,you know you suck to hell and just admit it...
My frens kind of put a fake smile on OUR face whenever she says this...eurgh...making me puke in class....And i tell those of you who arent in SCSS...SHE IS THE WORST TEACHER YOU MIGHT HAVE EVER SEEN!!! The first time we met her,she even said," Class,if you're honest with me I will not scold you.."And guess what?We were honest and she scolded us..Eff you,Miss Heng.I think you need a new set of brain cells,coz i think ur brain cells are blocked with fats!! bwahahaha!! i am mean,but i kind of stating a fact...Idiot ms Heng...I hate her for my whole life..Ldds members could get out in her class after her 15 mins lecture..Curse you,ldds members,especially val +)....I seriously had enuf of her.She cant stop saying that she is KIND..and stop her blabbering mouth from talking and spitting saliver....Bleh.All I know is,Miss Heng sucks,and i'm never going to talk to her ever again.
Damm..Tomoro NAPFA,going to fail pull ups and Standing Broad jump...For sit and reach probabaly getting 5 points coz i have long,alien like fingers..Hahaha..WHATEVER to me...gtg.Havent finished doing Geog paper and English RR7(or whatever.I forgot.)....It'll take me around 2 hours..And old hag's sketch book...Plus have to practise for the dunno what thing for english where have to present what article we have read.Haiz...
So many things to do in so little time.
there it went
5:04 PM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
oh mann...!! I read the newspaper today that said Frankie Muniz is going to switch his career to be a car racer!! nooo.!! So unfair...He's cute siah....And like for heaven's sake he's only 20!!! Why the hell he want to be car racer??!!! waaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! just as when yesterday i was "admiring" him on TV in Agent Cody Banks, and today i got the news thats he's switching his career to a car racer(though for ONLY 2 years)....Now seriously,what is happening to me?? it seems like the whole thing i'm seeing now,will be repeated!
E.g scene...(this is just a summarised one)
P.E teachers torturing siah..Shahrin:
What's PMS?Shahrin:
Find it out urself.So the next day,my frens and I waited for a bus to go to West Mall.While waiting,we talked and talked.Until my two frens brought up the subject about PMS.I asked them what it was.And they told me.And then a few days later,Nadiah brought up the subject again in my MSN space.And then,from there onwards,it repeats again and again.
So anyone got what i'm trying to tell?Im sort of like a psyche(or however it is spelled)....I've read my frens mind before...And i tell u i can be clueless when it comes to my frens.But somehow,something tells me what they have in their mind...and i just realised this when i was posted to SCSS.weird..Sometimes,i just know what someone is going to say to me...can anyone tell me what seriously is happening to ME?!! anyone??I dont really want to disturb people's privacy,but i cant help it.It just come into my mind..I cant do anything about it!! I have 2 other cuzzens who face the same situation as me.Once,i sensed a bus and could tell where its location was.....Eurgh...Eerie thing..Some people even told me that its good to have this kind of senses..Tell me if its good when
YOU can sense
YOUR own future..Wouldnt that be creepy??Whatever larh...I hope this sense which is creeping me out will go away soon..SO that,i wont sense anytihng anymore and get out of other people's privacy....

I am a drama queen.Can't deny it.
there it went
12:34 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
OMG!! my cuzzens are being televised yesterday on this show caled 'dewi' on Suria...Haiz..haha..To tell you the truth,cuz,i was laughing when the pic came out...Its like i cant believe that are my cuzzens or something...and plus,my aunt was the "wanita dinamik" or in english it is dynamic woman(right?)...and then came my uncle,where he was wearing these specs,which makes him look like, should i say it?Nadiah,sorry to say this but,when ur dad wears his specs,he looks like a *shut eyes*
NERD........argh!! im soo sorry...But its the truth..Ur dad looks 10 times better w/o least everybody could see you,especially ur mum's patients who will say that u're
pretty...eheh...cant read it? i'll type it again..Ur mum's patients who will say that u're pretty..whee......
Anyways,just now during robotics,this freaking instructor of mine who is ONLY 16 IS SOOOOOO ANNOYING...He's soo pathetic...Argh...everything cannot...Do this cannot,do that cannot....eff him...oh and also,thanks to my pathetic fren, val +), Daniel saw this pic of me and __________ on Jolene's blog..What in the world??And he can even ask me this, "Dont you love ur picture?"...what siah...he's not even my parents or even worse my brother...He's just a freaking instructor who teaches me the freaking robotics..But then again,he helped me close all the comps with Jolene's blog on...i mean the windows explorer..or whatever it is...But still,he's an idiot,and it's good that he admit that he is one...i mean
VERY good...But when i was having my break,these group of boys in my class started writing "______ love Khaliesah" on the window outside comp lab(coz the windows were full of water vapour and water droplets) and when i found it out,i freaked out,and i mean really freaked out...that was soo mean of them...argh! freaking them..Just as when i solved a problem with the Jolene's blogs on almost every comp,then came another..How pathetic can my life be in SCSS??I guess its going to be very...okies...Whatsever...YAY!! TOMORROW HOLIDAY!! YAY!! SO HAPPY!! yipee-ness...hahakx....gots to go....byes...

I am a drama queen.Can't deny it.
there it went
6:46 PM
Monday, April 10, 2006
WOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOO!!! Firstly,let's talk about yesterday..Yesterday,went to Swiss Serenade with Luqman.Met at Woodlands MRT to go to Clementi..So once we reached the bus stop at Ngee Ann Poly,went down,and Shikin was there.Then we searched for the freaking convection hall...Until,Luqman went to ask the guard where it was..Haiz..Pathetic him..And guess what?We realised something....WE WERE PATHETICALLY 1 HOUR EARLY!! What the hell? argh!! freaking idiotic..So after the concert,we planned to eat outside(at that time it was already erm...7pm?)Since Haikal,Fadhlun and Rifdi were there too,we invited them to go with us too...Planned and planned until 7.20pm(they all siao larh..Plan so long)...Then after that,someone suggested to go Causeway Point to eat,so everybody agreed except for Rifdi...Once we reached the bus stop,the bus came...Rifdi had an injured leg,so he cant walk that fast....All of us except for Rifdi boarded the bus..In the bus,we head counted..WE ARE MISSING ONE PERSON!!AND THAT IS RIFDI!! the two freaking boys dunno how to take care of their friend siah...lucky we didnt miss the next bus stop..Got down the next bus stop,and Haikal,Fadhlun,Luqman and me ran all the way to the previous bus stop just to fetch Rifdi again...Upon reaching the bus stop,we were told by Rifdi that he's not going to CP...and all of us who ran were like "Oh mann!!"...After that,we crossed over and took the bus AGAIN!!Reached home at 8.30pm yesterday and as I have thought,mum and dad scolded me for coming back late..And guess what my mum said, " No more going out with ur frens,for you"..In me I was like,"Whatever!!"...Hehs..
Ok..Now,to the topic for today...Today got medical check up and all that crap for the medical check up..The best thing is....THE GIRLS MISSED ART!!! thats because we came back 1 1/2 hour later(the check up was actually at 10.40am and ended at 11.45..)..We didnt have our check up for 1 1/2 hour but after the check up all the girls went roaming round the school to avoid Miss Heng's,my art teacher,lesson...We hate her soooooo much...My classmates are like always avoiding her lessons..Hate her to death..Even the boys help the girls out from being in her lesson..How kind...Hahax...Ok whatever,Miss Heng....Don't you know you're a saddist??So,SHUT YOUR BLOODY MOUTH UP BEFORE WE GET YOU SACKED!! and i tell you something,ur plans never come true/work!!NEVER!! =p
Argh!! No one should tell her,coz she's just a freaking teacher....I feel like sacking her up,but I know i cant...Bleh...The whole school under her art lessons should give proof to the principal to get Miss Heng out of Swiss Cottage Secondary School!!

A drama queen I am.Can't deny it.
there it went
3:40 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
yipeeeeee!!!!!!hahax!! Going to the Swiss Serenade with my frens at 2pm....Wonder how it's going to be...At first,i didnt want to go,and wanted to sell
MY ticket to someone else...Then,until they say its only celebrated once in two years,then i decided to go...cant wait...anyways,i'll probably take 1 hour to get not really vain larh..i just love taking my own sweet time when getting ready..Unless its a rush,then i'll be very slow...its not only the band who'll be there,the NCC ppl,the malay dancers and many more...I'll just have to wait...Wonder what time I'll reach home later..maybe 8??who,i'll have fun.Tomorrow,I'll look like a drunk teenager...Coz,tomorrow,there'll be another 2.4 run..How many times must we run?Are the teachers expecting us to die??Heartless teachers...Nevermind...I just have to pass this test and no need to run anymore...yayness!! hawhaw....I bet later I come home,my parents will be nagging at me as usual,for coming home late,or going to that "
freaking" thing.....okies...I think I have to go now..Do,some of me homework,and then get ready.....Byes!!

a drama queen,I am.Can't deny it.
there it went
11:37 AM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
yay!!Finally created my first blog!!Eurgh!! Anyways,I'm Khaliesah aka Shasha...heh.My name quite unique in some ways..Haha.Now im in Swiss Cottage Secondary school...Where live is more "lively"..hehe...btw,im 13....yep...not yet larh..but almost....i hope you will enjoy exploring my blog,although i havent finished "constructing",this might be temporary look only..I'll add some more things as time goes by..Kaes???
there it went
7:13 PM