Friday, September 29, 2006
English paper kinda easy.Hoping for the best.And hope I won't drop this semester.Lols.Garr.Still fighting.And fighting for my own rights.I can be nice at times.But never think that I can't be VERY mean.Or should I say very EVIL.Stop following me where I go.Go on your own route and pretend I never exist in your life.
Thank you for co-operating with me and my temper.
there it went
1:31 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Hmm.School was GOOD.Lols.Why?NO ENGLISH!!! woots.Au Yong didnt come today.So 4 periods,well,free.Hhaha.But thinking twice,WHY DIDNT SHE COME TODAY??!! WHY MUST IT BE TODAY??!!! Lols.Yea,I mean English exam just like on Friday.And today's last lesson of English.So,didnt like go through composition and compre lehh.Compo i soo
lan one lehhh..Okies.Nevermind. Hmm.Art still sucks.Shall not talk about it.Heng came 20 minutes earlier.Walao...So early.Science fun.Learnt about the respiration thing and well,did an experiment on breathing.Heheh.Didnt breathe for around 1 minute to see if anyone would drop dead by not breathing.Hoho.Drop dead by not breathing.Thats plain stupid lah.... Lmao.The rest of the school day just sucked.Bleah.Hate it.
After school,went home with Shikin.Just realised something.It was soooo fun talking to her sia.serious.Especially when she tell most of her experience of NCC.Sounds fun.Man,I should have joined NCC.brrr. Found out from her the haunted places in our school.She said the hall,some of the toilets[esp. the one near D&T room and Home Econs room] and some other places,that I couldnt remember haunted.Sorry Shikin,got short term memory la..Hehe.The hall story was kinda the scariest.She said she heard people say, early in the morning right,can see 2 people,one girl and one boy walking around the hall.And according to what people say,they're Hwa Chong Institution students.Nice.Lols.Wish I could see.Hehh..Maybe.One day I will find out.nyehehe.Talking to her was nice.We were talking behind people's back especially about Miss Heng,when we're not supposed to anyway.Hmm.So had fun time talking to her about loads of things.All her stories like interesting sia.Haha.Followed her go Civic Centre for a while and took bus home.Lazy walk.So,now,here I am.On the comp,not studying.K,byes.Wanna open my book and read up the chapters.Haiz.Havent studied enough science.Garr.Byes.
Note to some people[you know who you are.] : Shut up kay.Its your fault to make me this way.You want to see the other side of me so much,I give it to you.Yes,I know true friends forgive each other.But sad to say,you went to far and that's why till now,I havent forgive you yet.You went too far to test my LIMITED amount of patience.No matter how much you apologise,I wont forgive you until I'm ready to.So,too bad,you've got to wait until I settle down.. It's just too bad la.You're the cause,own it yourself.Don't blame me if I'm not talking to you.Don't bother me anymore.Look,I've warned you.Don't come and tell me,I didn't.Because I just did.
there it went
2:58 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
What happens when boredom strikes? Do quizzes.Stupid,lame quizzes.
A - Age: 12 on going to 13.
B - Band listening to right now: P!ATD <3
C - Career: Student and volunteer at SRCS
D - Drink or smoke: Nyehehe.None.
E - Easiest person/s to talk to: Myself/ Nazz
F - Favorite song/s at the moment: Natalie - Love you so
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Worms.
J - Junk foods you like: Chocolate.Ice -cream. <3 <3 <3 <3
L - Longest car ride ever: Hmm.From here to KL. Man. 6 hours +.
M - My favorite Sport/s: Bowling/Swimming/Badminton
N - Number of relationships you've had: Erm.... Er...Hmm...1.Then broke up because off something.And I swear I never met my ex before.Lols.Its just basically sms-ing and calling.And it happened when I was P5 and my ex was 18 at that time.Yes,18.
O - One wish you have: TO BE A SINGER.WTF.
P - Phobias: Failing in missions.Lols.
Q - Favorite Quote: Fuck you....!!!
R - Reason to smile: Smile also cannot meh?
S- Song: Nelly Furtado - Man Eater
T- Time you woke up: 5 am
U - Unknown fact about you: If it's unknown,do you expect me to know?Stupid question.
V - Vegetable/fruit you hate: Very easy.Tapioca.
W - Worst habit: Hmm.Biting my nails.yeah.I still do.Bleah.
X - X-rays you've had: Probably less than 5.I dunno.
Y- Yummy food/s: I dunno whats yummy.Everything seems to be yummy.
Z- Zodiac sign: Scorpio <3
there it went
5:13 PM
Yeah.Shit.Why?Let me list.
#1 : Got fucking wet before school started.
#2 : My water bottle that I bought for 70 cents and still practically full of water was confiscated by Ms Tay coz there was a freaking small hole in it.
#3 : Ms Tay found out that me,Nazyra,Rifdi,Chahaya & Luqman were spraying at each other.Shit.
#4 : Flunked Literature Test 2.
#5 : Got
ONLY 14/20 for yesterday's science test.And surprisingly,Chahaya got higher marks than me in this test.
#6 : EOY are just
NEXT WEEK and I still havent finished studying!!
Yeah.Shit,again.Wtf man.My water bottle was confiscated!! Waaah!! Thanks to the freaking small hole.So let's start in the morning.Chahaya was being a bitch by saying me and Rifdi,ehem.And then,me Nazz & Rifdi all chase after her.Man,she's too goddamned fast for us.We 3 against 1 also cannot beat her. GARRR!! So,was running after her straight away after Morning Assembly.And I dunno why,when I was chasing after Chahaya,Vera and Chloe were chasing after me?? Huh?Why were they running after me? Lols.They cant catch up with me,dunno why also.But oh well.Ran quite fast anyway.Been running
A LOT lately.HEHE.Woots.So went back to class,swaped Chahaya's things with Luqman's.And they were damn puzzled after they found that their books were under the other person's table.Haha.
Screw Literature test.
Recess.Chahaya just happen to came up and spray at me again.And Rifdi.He was super duper wet la.His whole uniform wet leh.I mean from the shirt to the pants.Wow.Ran after her ALL around the school.But,today wasnt a lucky day.Miss Tay confiscated my newly bought water bottle.Wah,sian.Coz went back to class and poked.So,Ms Tay saw and she said she would confiscate it la.Then ran out without realising that the bottle already had a hole coz Haikal poked into it.Haiz.Ms Tay like saw us running around the school,and she confiscated mine coz there was
ONE SMALL PATHETIC hole.Pfft.Unfair-ness.Yeah,still chased her around the school no matter what.Her mouth like seriously need to be stitched man.All the dirty minded stuff ALWAYS come out of her mouth.Grr.Then,when she started it first,she blame on people ??Wtf man she.She retarded.Just like her boyfriend.Lols.
Psst,it's Gary Wong.Bwahahaha!!!!Lols.Ok.
End of day.Nothing happened.M.T slacked again.But did some stuff in workbook and that's it.Cool.Cikgu Arfah damn nice lah.She very kind.Ehehe.Erm,music.Kinda bored.Except to listen to the thing we composed for music SA.Min Li's was the nicest la..Like damn nice.Haha.Yeah.The end of today.Byes.Nothing happened after school,btw.Except that my bag had to be a fucker and break off half way walking home.And I bought my pencilbox after Chahaya finally paid me.Lol.hehe.Byes everyone.
Oh yeah,did I mentioned that Sheena made this nice banner to represent that 1E1-ners rock with water?? Wah.Damn nice la.Then,Miss Tay just had to come back to class.And everyone started to be kan-cheong and go in class,pretending nothing happened.Miss Tay saw it,and she asked me who did it.So I was like," Eh,who do the thing outside the class ah?".And Sheena was like laughing and admitting the truth.Lol.Damn nice.Next time must use spray can.That'll be sooo nice.
there it went
4:13 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
HEY!! Lols.Today,looks like many people PMS-ed about er,nothing.Siao.Lols.So Nazz,pms-ed,Chahaya-kinda.Lols.So,then,before school already,chased freaking Chahaya.Coz she spray me coz I write on her table.Then,she thought,Nazz wrote it on her table.Then Chahaya wrote on Nazz table with permanent marker.Eh,we were fair kay.I wrote with pen that CAN be erased.But she write with PERMANENT marker.Tsk,tsk.No wonder Nazz PMS-ed.Ok.Then got sprayed before school even started.Yeah,was wet.ALL THANKS TO NUR CHAHAYA PUTRI BTE SAPARI. Or a..k.a Chapunzel. Hehs.Hmm.Skirt wet,blouse wet.Wtf man.
So,E.T ran 7 rounds around the goddamned big field.I think 400 m.Looks like it.or is it 200m?I dunno.Looks like 400m to me.So,TAF students had to run 10 rounds actually.But dunno why,by 6/7 rounds people already sit down.Wtf.Ran on our own anyway.I and Jess ran quite fast.But our shoes all muddy in the end.Haiz.Had to take our weight.Phew.I thought I would gain since I ate ice-cream yesterday.Chocolate some more.But instead,I lost.WOOO-HOOO!!!! Haha.Siao.3kg more to go!! I can do it!!Holiday I go run 12 rounds everyday man.I must do that man.MUST.12 rounds.That'll be 2.4km.Hmm.hey,12 rounds only right?It'll be easy.Every week also run.Haha.No problem.Ok.
So,nothing more to talk.Besides chasing Chahaya around the whole school.Tomoro must chase her again man.She's gonna be dead tomoro.Gr.Gonna spray her till she wet,I dun care.Haiz.oookay.Very dizzy already.COz while writing this post shaking my head with my baby cuz for fun.Man.My head pain sia.Haha.Then head-banged to the song But it's better if you do by Panic!At the Disco.The song nice!! HAHA.Ok.Byes!Nothing to talk.
"But It's Better If You Do"
Now I'm of consenting age to be forgetting you in a cabaret.
Somewhere downtown where a burlesque queen may even ask my name
As she sheds her skin on stage
I'm seated and sweating to a dance song on the club's P.A.
The strip joint veteran sits two away
Smirking between dignified sips of his dignified peach and lime daiquiri
And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Oh, and isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Oh, but I'm afraid that I
Well, I may of faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
Well, I'm afraid that I
Well, that's right, that I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Oh, and isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Well, I'm afraid that IWell, I may of faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
Well, I'm afraid that I
Well, that's right, well I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Oh, and isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Praying for love and paying in naivety
Praying for love and paying in naivety, oh
HEh.Love that song!!Hehhe.
there it went
4:27 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tired liaoz.But fun day.LOL.Ok.School was boring as usual except for M.T lesson.Fucking wet.Write about it later.Hmm.After school was waaaayyy fun.Fun.Fun.Went out,thats why fun.K,now,we start with MT first.
Before M.T,me,Nazyra,Chahaya,Luqman and Rifdi were walking to M.T class ah.Then,Chahaya was talking crap about me and Rifdi.She's insane,I swear.So we chased after her.I got a chance to pull her hair! Yes,finally after like 9 months man.So pulled her Rapunzel-like hair.She got angry.She pushed me towards the wall.Ouch.Hit my head sia.Pain.Then ran up the stairs.So,when I was walking up to the 3rd level,Luqman go spray water from 4th level.I was milimetres away from being wet.Reached class,kinda killed Luqman.Hoho.But,then I dunno why,Chahaya take my water bottle,open cap,splash water on my skirt!!! Grr!! My skirt was super fucking wet!! Wet!! Luqman thought that I had wet dreams.Wtf. -___- So,my uniform was also kinda wet.Picked up my water bottle.Wanted to splash back,but ah,she ran away already.Fuck.Missed.So,Nazyra offered help.She soo kind la.She ran till the end of corridor chasing after Chahaya with my water bottle OPEN.Yeah.While I saw Nazyra chased after Chahaya,went out of the classroom,and went to the toilet.Went was walking towards the toilet,which was beside my M.T class,this group of malay N(A) boys said,"Wah,wet sia." I was like "huh?". Anyways,went to dry it under dry cleaner.Fuck man.Took me 3 minutes to at least make it HALF -DRY.While Chahaya went in and out of the toilet looking for a mop.Tsk,tsk.After she mop,she came in again she splash some more sia.Once again,thanks to Chahaya,my skirt was wet again.Pfft.Chahaya's a mentally retarded person,serious.Had compre test for Malay.Kinda easy.Oh yeah,plus.Cikgu Arfah's pregnant again for 3 months.Eh,she JUST gave birth in May.Wow.Fast.Haha.So,congrats to her!!
After school.Had my revenge towards Chahaya.Poked holes on my water bottle.Loads of them.Sprayed into her eyes and shirt and skirt.Yes,Im mean.Coz she's mean to me too.Grr.After that had to rot while me and Jessica waited for Nazyra and Val to finish up their homework.Tsk,tsk.Never finish homework.Ok.So after like ages,they finally finished their work.Yeah,while they doing me and Jess were pulling the projector screen for fun.After that,went to Lot 1 with them.Always go Lot 1 like boring lehh.Haha.But anyways,went to buy ice -cream first.Jessica and Val were craving for them.And kept talking about ice-cream on the way to Lot 1.Diaoz.Bought Hot fudge sundae.Yumss.So long never eat sundae already liaoz.Hmm.SO ate while looking at stuff.WALKED LIKE ALL OVER LIKE THAT.or i think we did.Haha.So,Val Jess Nazz & me went round and round.Lolz.Look at cute cute bears and stuffed toys.CDs also and basically almost everything in the mall.Hmm.bought keychain for phone.hehe.Next week,if mum give money,i go buy again.Lols.But,shit,next week already fasting.Oh,nevermind.Oh yeah.Bloody shit.Exam also.Bah. I'll try my best.Back to the topic.After quite tired already,went home.Before that,Jess bought McFlurry.Again.She got sweet tooth la..Heheh.So actually in the middle of looking at stuff,we were all crapping around.Mouth got hole lah,hand got hole lah.Oh,nevermind.You wont get it.Hehs.Nice leh.Next time must take neoprints.Val is crazing about neoprints.And also anime.Tsk,tsk.
Ok.End of today's post.Havent eat.Yeah.Hungry.Lols.Im always hungry in the first place.But unlike my brother,he's hungry 24 hours a day.Even when he just ate like an hour ago,he'll say that he's hungry and he hasnt ate his meal?? He must be crazy..Stomach always empty.Tsk,tsk.Ok lah.I go eat,study,do homework.Then maybe sing.And sleep.
there it went
5:51 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
1 : Fuck.I shouldn't have.I really shouldn't have.Make me forget.Let go of him.Why make me remember?What does he have to leave?
2 :Oh for god's sake Shasha.Stop being so dramatic.You're sickening.I'll make you forget.
1 :For heaven's sake,how am I?
2: Like that lahhh.
1:Ler.You know you're killing me.Sick you know you.You know you're nuts.
2:Yeah,I know I'm nuts.Not to tell me,nor don't you have to say it out LOUD!
1: Eheh.Sorry ah babe.I accidentally said it ah.Sorry ah.And yeah,I dramatic a bit cannot ah?Nice to act you know.Like this
. *"dancing" around* Oh,where are you?Can I come with you?Like that.Nice.
2: *mouth open* Oh-my-fucking-god.You look..So...
1: Yeah.....soooo??? Graceful?
2: No...It's soooo... *mouth STILL open*
1: So what??!!! Tell me!! graceful?
2: It's sooo...It's soooo....
1: WHAT??!!WHAT??!! WHAT??!!!
2:Sooo......Obscenely despo for something and unlady-likely when you dance like an elephant trying to make a whole flat collapse.
1: -_________________________________________-" It.Wasn't.Supposed.To.Be.An.Elephant.Dance.Dumbass.
2: oh.then.was it supposed to be a hippo trying to dance?But kept slipping and falling everytime.
1: ....... -______________________- " It's supppsed to be ballet.Jerkass.
Hahaha.Hey.Made that myself.Lols.hoped you like the little skit I made.Like a few minutes ago.Lols.I know it's stupid.But bare with me.I have to let go all my anooying thoughts running through my mind.Completely annoying I tell you.
there it went
8:00 PM
Lol.So ok.Today school was bad.Was released at 1.45 pm instead of the usual 1.10pm.Thanks to Genesis and Paul who kept talking during Maths lesson and also with a HOD of Maths during our lesson.So had to stay back and do the statistics thing for Maths.Haiz.Finished the whole thing already.OK.I realised Im starting from the back.Let's start from P.E..
P.E today was exceptionally fun like last week.Except this week we play er,I dont know what is it called.Forgot.Heh. Hmm.Played against blue house members of IN2.Walao.The boys play like basketball lah.Most of them basketball players some more sia.ish.So,they kinda played dribble.Hrmph.Unfair.While Gerald and Jerome were protecting the cones so it wont fall back.Yea,the aim of the game is to hit the cone down.Green house rocks in defending.So defended all the way,till the next game.And just looking at Gerald made all of us laugh.His hair now like bald.Hahah.Like just came out of the army,according to Chahaya.Lols.So played with E1 blue house.Siti and Chahaya.lols.They suck lah.Pass so goddamned high.Then make out.Eh,kan their fault.Ok.So,after that against E1 yellow house.Wah sian.Even worse lah.They play damn rough especially boys.Tsk,tsk.
Then Science.Learnt about cells.Sperm cells?? Lols.Then Mr Seow told us sbout some stuff oabout it.Gross,actually.But good for learning purposes.Lols.Hmm.Then,learn about dunno what stuff.Practically wasnt listening half of the time.Hehhe.Ok.So,what else about science?Nothing.Let's move on.
Recess.Haiz.Was listening to MP3.Then this freaking Chahaya came up and sprayed at me,Rifdi and Nazyra.Wtf.So,we got our revenge back by running around the school with our bottles.I swear I wasnt able to catch up man.She run damn fast.Yea lah.She fastest runner what.Fuck it.So,Nazyra went running around the school with her.Until canteen and behind Sec 2 block and there.Went running after Chahaya.But couldnt catch her.Hmm.Then,stood near water cooler.Didnt realise Miss Tay(principal) was there.So,she called me up."Tuck in your blouse.And please tie up your shoe lace." So,I ran into the toilet and tuck in.FUck lah.Went out again.Saw Chahaya.But I think Nazyra lost her.Then I ran after her.Yeah!Managed to get her.Woots.But too bad my bottle no hole sia.I wasnt that mean to pur the water out of my water bottle.Yes,be thankful for that Chahaya.Then,Nazyra and Rifdi came out.Nazyra was with her water bottle WITH holes.Yes.When Chahaya saw Nazyra,she already scared and ran away with Nazyra behind.So,I told Rifdi that they were running from the back.Went into class.Close the front door.They came in by back door.So,made a trap for Chahaya.I was at one side.Rifdi at the other side.Nazyra chasing after her.After much chasing,I decided that I should take the bottle and spray at Chahaya.So, I did. I sprayed until she wet.Then,dunno why,Nazyra and Chahaya went out again and spray.Hmm.A few minutes after that,Chahaya came in and took my bottle and then pour water on my shirt.Fuck man.Rong Hao's table and my table were wet.Plus my book was wet.Notebook.Hehe.And I swear I dunno what's Chahaya's books doing on my table.Wth.Who put?So then,passed the book in the middle of English lesson.Probably she was angry.
English.Did some stupid exercise.
1st half :
If I.....2nd half :
I would....I write Christopher Tay one.
Chris Tay :
If I was in the DX Generation,I would have 2 words for you, "Suck it".Haikal one also funny.
Haikal :
If I were Miss Heng,I would jump down the building.Or I think he said that.Hahaa.Siao.Cant remember most of the thing.Hehee.What else.Basically,English today was
extra boring.
Maths.Got teacher come in.Dunno who.HOD.Miss Tay teach the statistics thing.And we had to stay back until 2pm actually coz Genesis and Paul(a) were talking non-stop during Maths lesson though there was a HOD But she released us at 1.45pm.Haiz.If not I could have been on the comp longer.What la..I haveing tuition at 4.30.Liaoz.Boring.But nvm.Next week probably wont have tuition anymore.YAY!! Or maybe not.haiz.Oh yeah.Science paper got 15/20.Woots.Paper kinda easy actually.Wasted.Qn 1 I first write D,then go change to B.Sian.If not I get correct lehh.Shitz.I mean get 16!! Oh mannnn!! Nvm.Work harder next time.For this coming Wednesday paper.hehs.
Ok.Gtg people.Having tuition in half and hour time.So,tata. Love ya! <====== eh,I sound despo.WTFWTFWTF. Hhaah.i must be nuts.Yeah,wait,I am! Ok lah! Bye!!!Tata.
there it went
4:00 PM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
so,i was bored.and here i am blogging.AGAIN.but not to blog.But to do a quiz.from er,rin's blog.nyehehe.
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought?
- hmm.."how should i tie my hair?"
2. When is the next time you will have sex?
- eeee..20-30 years time.. XD
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"?
- suck.
4. Favorite planet?
- MARS.coz it reminds me of chocolate. =D
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile?
- er..Mama.
6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
-Get out(Leave)
7. What shirt are you wearing?
- Purple shirt.
8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago?
- Surfing net.
9. Name the brand of shoes you're currentlywearing.
- North Star.
10. Bright or Dark Room?
- Dark.
11. What do you think about the person who tookthis survey before you?
- hmm.can be smart if he EVER studies hard. =D
12. If you're in a room with two beds, which onedo you sleep on?
- None.I'll sleep on the floor.It'll be very cool.
13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
- Sleeping.
14. What did your last text message you received say?
- i -Shahrin [wtf]
15. How do you like your eggs?
- Half cooked.
16. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot?
- omgomg.
17. Who told you he/she loved you last?
- Nade =D [i not les.]
18. Last furry thing you touched?
- My stuffed cat.
19. How many drugs have you done in the lastthreedays?
- Dunno.Might be 100.nyehehe.
20. How many rolls of film do you need to getdeveloped?
- I not old fashioned,you know.
21. Favorite age you have been so far?
- 4.
22. Your worst enemy?
- Myself.
23. What is your current desktop picture?
- i dunno what statue pic my dad put.
24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
- huh? -to my maid.
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly?
- million bucks.Money face.
26. What do you want to be doing?
- studying.
27. The last song you listened to?
- Back at one -Shayne Ward.
28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, what would you do
- give my condolences to his family.Thats the least i could do.
29. If you could punch 1 person in the face who'sin your life right now, who would it be?
- nazyra. i dunno what she want.
30. What is the closest item to your foot?
- drawer.
Hehe.Ok.Gtg.Hafta eat breakfast.byes.Next time.
there it went
11:31 AM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
let me blog about yesterday.Dammit.I was soo freaking wet.Lol.As you know,it was raining super heavily around Singapore[or i think so.],and then I decided to go my granmother's house to sleep and eat.yes,sleep and eat. I asked Luqman for his umbrella.Then I realised I have got not enough hands to hold an extra object which was the umbrella.Had a pile of heavy books and files in my arms.So,gave Luqman his umbrella back.Oh yeah,Choir had already stepped down,so there wasnt anymore choir,till they announced.So,it was super,super heavy rain.Had to wait for all the freaking cars[especially the LOSER la,people who take the liscence test.Freaking slow.] to pass by.Yeah,jaywalking.Everyone does,wait for 1 or 2 minutes.Then walked to the traffic light.Shit,I missed the first traffic.So waited for 3 minutes for the next one.And some more I was down with flu,fever and cough.Reached my grandma house,soaking wet.And was shivering.Grandma asked me to take shower,but nah,ate first.After eating took a warm shower,and then slept after eating medicine.My medicine caused drowsiness,so fell asleep.My grandma and aunt and uncle was also sick.All coughing.By the time I woke up it was only fweaking 4pm.
Exactly 4 pm.Watched tv.Mum came to fetch me btw.Mum said she wanna come and see grandma.Haha.Not my fault.So,while wating for mum to come,grandma asked me to call my cousin,Nurul.
Since you all know that me and Nurul are kinda like twins,my grandma talked to me in Malay, " Go call Nurul.Ask her if she's sick." So I did.Gave her a ring,and my aunt picked up.She said,Nurul's sick and having fever. And I was like,"YES!" over the phone.Haha.Very mean right?I know.Hang up the phone and telling my grandma,aunt and uncle that Nurul is also having fever.My grandma was all like, "No need to talk to each other also got already.Like got some kind of connection la both of you." Nyehehe.Actually we do.But dont know what is it.Telepathy?Nah.Im not that kind who use black magic.EEE.Black magic is scary
AND haram.Bwahaha.
And oh yeah,guess what? For the first time in our whole sec 1 life,there wasn't E.T yesterday.It means no running of 10 rounds! Woo-hoo! Yeah.Whole sec 1E didnt have E.T I think.Cool man.So,instead we did self study.Thank you Mr Gan.Haha.But poor Jessica,she had to do skipping.Haiz.Mr Gan quite mean to the badminton people lehh.Ok.shall not talk about it.hmm.There also wasnt History.woots! 1 hour did self study again and a bit of talking.Yeah! Managed to study the whole of chapter 16!! yipee! plus some other chapters in science.Maths,must buck up in the bisector kept failing that section liao. Hmm.WHat else?Malay,aiyah.Nothing to study except to read up the dictionary.I can do that. English,whatever.Doing some vocabulary stuff to improve my vocab. Yeps.Thats about it.Oh yeah,plus history,I already studied chapter 1,2,4 and 5.Havent studied chapter 3 and 9.Oh well.I'll do it later on with Nazyra.
Speaking of Nazyra,reminds me of Chahaya.Wtf man.She go run around the school with MY pencilcase.Then some more she's a super fast runner.After she run to dunno where,she dropped my pencilcase somewhere,without realising it.HAIZ.So,now,I lost my pencilcase.Wtf.I dunno la.I just took her bag and put it outside the classroom.And she ran away with my bag and pencilcase.Aper la she.Ok.Thats enough.Haiz.Guess what?Did one poem during my self study in E.T lesson.Here it goes.
Lonely and confused
Not knowing what to do
The pain I've tried to subside
Is leading me to suicide
What can I do
To make me forget you?
It's so hard
To get your name off my heart
I love you
But you didn't know
You were the one I trust
But now,you left me with frust
Will try my best
To get you off my chest
Once you were a charming prince
Now you are making no senseHaha.That was crap,I swear.Did it out of boredom.So,yeps.It didnt ryhme half of the time.But heck lah.Its just a crap poem I did.Woots.Hhee.Now,I think I can move on without him in my life.Getting over it slowly.Woots.Im happy for what I did.I think Im going to be back to normal by the end of this year.Hopefully,that is.
But as for my family,I dont wanna know.And probably I wont care anymore.The adults have their own brains.They should think.My grandmother is not a bank,my "dearest" uncle.She works for herself.Dont come around asking for $ 4000 from her.I swear she's not a bank,nor is she your bank book,who'll reflect on how much you're short of.Don't come threatening my family if you yourself came round with this problem.Solve it yourself.If you're short of money,work for it.Don't expect people from your own family to supply you with thousands of dollars coz we're not your slaves.We work for ourselves and our own family.Whatever it is,you have to get your ass moving and work.Why wouldn't you just do that?Dont scare my family off just coz you need money.Its
NEVER gonna work.Look,Im nothing to you,I know.But listen to this,your mother who is my grandmother,has brought you up since young.But why would you ever have the heart to do this to her?I'll never understand what you're craving for from my family and others.You're just too complicated for me.
There.Got THAT off.Haiz.I feel some adults nowadays seriously need an application form from schools for a come back to re-study again.Forget about it.Still gotta study for exams that is coming in
THREE more
WEEKS.I need time to remember my facts man.
AND WHAT AM I DOING ON THE FREAKING COMPUTER???!!!!!I swear I need to study.Gah! Balancing a broken family,a broken heart and school is NEVER easy.Wtf. Byes!
there it went
1:07 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Im bored.Yeah,yeah,yeah.I should be studying.Well,I just did.With my tuition teacher.-___- So here I go with the blog quizes,AGAIN.
You Are 60% Weird |
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! |
Eheh.Im not THAT weird.
You Are Rogue |
You're reluctantly special. In fact, you long to be normal.You consider your powers to be a curse, and something you can't control. Powers: absorbing other people's memories and abilities, weakening and killing people with your touch |
Which of the X-Men Are You?
Yeah.Kind of mor like it.Nice.
You Are 76% Open Minded |
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. |
Yay! 76% Open Minded.Well,not really.
Your Personality Profile |
You are dependable, popular, and observant.Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do. You are unique, creative, and expressive.You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! |
Your Life Path Number is 1 |
Your purpose in life is to lead others. You have great drive and determination. Nothing is going to stand in your way.You seek out challenges and the spotlight. You'll take all the work - and all the glory.Status and success are important to you. You demand the best from everyone and everything. In love, you tend to take a protective role. You enjoy being the provider in relationships. You expect others to be like you, and as a result, you are often disappointed.A little selfish and vain, you always put yourself first.Remember, everyone already knows you're great - you don't need to remind them! |
What Is Your Life Path Number?
Now,let me say sth.My fav number is 4.And do you know how GREAT am I? stfu man.
Your Blogging Type is Unique and Avant Garde |
You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog.You're impulsive, and you'll often post the first thing that pops in your head.Completely uncensored, you blog tends to shock... even though that's not your intent.You tend to change your blog often, experimenting with new designs and content. |
Your Values Profile
Loyalty: You value loyalty highly.You're completely devoted to your friends and family.Even if they totally screw up, you're still there for them.Just make sure they're equally loyal to you! Honesty: You value honesty a fair amount.You're honest when you can be, but you aren't a stickler for it.If a little white lie will make a situation more comfortable, you'll go for it.In the end, you mostly care about "situational integrity." Generosity: You value generosity highly.So much so that you often put your own needs last.There's nothing wrong with having a caring heart...But you may want to rethink your "open wallet" policy. Humility: You value humility highly.You have the self-confidence to be happy with who you are.And you don't need to seek praise to make yourself feel better.You're very modest, and you're keep the drama factor low. Tolerance: You value tolerance highly.Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends.You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them. |
You sure about that?
Your Celebrity Baby Name Is... |
Zola Happy |
Omg.Its soo clsoe to Zolda.Wtf.
Ok.That was the last one.Lols.So then,today was kinda fun.Yeah,missed school a lot.I dont know why.So,dont ask me.Its just great to see my friends again.Yay! Ok.P.E was super fun.Played captains ball.Last 2 goals of the game was super good.3 hula hoops,one goal keeper.And 1N2 basketball player was tricked with Dominic standing in the middle and then knowing that the defender from N2 will try to catch it,he shifted to the left,w/o the defender noticing it.Wah,like nice.You should've been there.ok.The last one was also a nice goal.I dont know how to say.So,next,science.Got new teacher.Mr Seow.He fun sia.Talk,talk,talk.Haha.His stories all damn funny.Lol.He WAS a scientist before becoming a teacher.Nice.Ok.then hear him talk about his life experiences.He have that sense of humour,which will help in studying science. ^^
English,got scoldings from Au Yong for no particular reason.Then Maths also,got scolded because was noisy.For assembly,stayed in class and had science.?? Yeah.Mr Wang finished up Chapter 16 about drugs,coz he didnt manage to finsh it all up.After that could go home! Yay! Felt like today was not as LONG AS IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE.I woke up then suddenly its like felt so much awake,though I slept at 11 finishing my homework.I didnt do some homework[in fact all of them.Yeah.lazy to do.] In the end,didnt pass up Maths w/s coz I left it in my Choir file.I know I very pathetic.ok lah.Mum's home.Cant blog for long.and my mum and dad found out I had a blog.Oh well.Who cares.Byes.
there it went
5:45 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Your Aura is Blue |
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life.You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor |
Woahh..This thing read my mind.
You Are 72% Addicted to Love |
Might as well face it, you're very addicted to love.But you're not really getting the deep love you seek.Short lived, dramatic relationships are more your style.Let go of needing someone, and you may find someone you actually want. |
Are You Addicted to Love?
You Are Lightning |
Beautiful yet dangerousPeople will stop and watch you when you appearEven though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing |
What Type of Weather Are You?
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Usagi Saionji |
there it went
1:48 PM
I dont know what to blog about.I dont know what Im doing on the computer.I have gone insane,yes,I know.Pissed off.Lately,I realised I've been writing nonsensical poems.Wtf is wrong with me?Im not the me that I was.I want to be myself again.God,return the person that I used to be.Im desperately needing help from you.
Crying for help
Could anyone hear?
Dying for him
Could anyone see?
My future is gone
Can anyone sense that it was?
What is wrong with me?
No one can tell
Not even me
It's all gone
I've lost everything
Everything that was precious to me
All I see
Is a blank future ahead of me
Not knowing whether to move on
Let time tell
And bring me
To wherever I should be
Hmm..Does that make sense?Or ring a bell? I dont know.Up to you to decide.
Shahrin,thanks.But I dont really think,it'll work on me.But,I'll try to move on.Thanks for your help anyway.
So,Im suffering from a broken/shattered heart.So,I dont wish to like talk about how I feel.Yes,I am emotional,sensitive.Who doesnt anyway?I mean you must at least ONCE in your life feel that way.Haiz.Just sucks to talk about it.Why am I stuck in a life like this,may I ask?I plead help from The Almighty.Pissed off with my life.I hate to be like this,so emo.But I just cant be happy.I just put that smile on me no more.Its all down to sorrows and tears.I dont know what the fuck to do.This is just my life,and the truth in life and I just have to learn to accept it no matter what.Though it really sucks.But I have to face it.
Whatever,thanks to those who helped me out.I really appreciate it,but I think it's up to me to face it.If I don't, probably I wouldnt survive in the battle in life.So,hope I will feel better after a few more months.
And yes,Im a bit depressed about stuff now. But dont worry.
Gotta go.Wish me luck for the best in life.I need it pretty much.Bye.
there it went
11:56 AM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Pick the month you were born:January----- I kicked
February----- I loved
March----- I smoked
April----- I dry humped
May----- I choked on
June----- I murdered
July----- I did the Macarena with
August----- I had lunch with
September----- I danced with
October -----I sang to
November----- I yelled at
December----- I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1------- a birdbath
2------- a monster
3------- a
phone4------- a fork5------- a Mexican
6------- a gangster
7------- my
cell phone8------- my dog
9------- my best friends boyfriend
10------ my neighbor
11------- my science teacher
12------- a banana
13------- a fireman
14------- a stuffed animal
15------- a goat
16------- a pickle
17------- your mom
18------- a spoon
19------- myself
20------- a
baseball bat21------- a ninja
22----- a model
23------- a noodle
24------- a squirrel
25------- a football player
26-------my sister
27------- my brother
28------- an ipod
29------ a permanent marker
30------- a llama
31------- a homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White------because I'm cool like that.
Black-------because that's how I roll.
Pink--------because I'm NOT a homosexual
Red--------because the voices told me to do so
Blue-------because I'm sexy and I do whatever I want
Green-----because I hate myself.
Purple-----because I'm cool.
Gray-------because I was drunk.
Yellow-----because someone offered me1,000,000 dollars.
Orange----because I hate my family.
Brown-----because I was high.
Other------because I'm a ninja.
None-------because I can't control myself.
Now type out the sentence you made and pass it on!
I yelled at a fork because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars. ?????
Pass it on :(no limits)
Did that coz I was bored,felt kinda sad and all the mixed feelings.Nade,im not poetic.Grr.The idea just came into my mind.Fuck it.Feel like writing another one.Oh well.I'll give it a try.
Thought I could put my trust in you
Put my faith in you
But now that I realise it
You couldn't at all be trusted
Loving you
Is like playing a game of tag
Im trying to get you
But you avoided me
Hatred feelings
For you and her
Ran through me
Made me shed more tears
I just wonder
Why did I ever loved you
More than anything else
You are killing me
Softly and sorrowfully
Back off from me
And leave me alone
Shit.That sounded really stupid,doesnt it?Oh well.What I felt anyway.Haiz.Cried all night yesterday.Bleah.WHO WOULD CARE ANYWAY? So,lets move on.Yesterday,went Plaza Singapura.Walked around with no true destination.Its like my mind was floating all around PS with no one around me.Stopped at some places and bought stuff.So,then,after that went back.5pm only.Reached Woodlands,went to Causeway.Walked around some more.Bought more stuff.Bought an anklet.Lucky stars.Though was tired,after like 2 hours of walking around the Royal Thai Embassy to sell tickets for Red Cross International Bazaar.Im a volunteer there.Its like my 2nd job,besides being a student.Thought could clear my mind,but cant.Grr.Hate to be like this.So walked around asking people to buy.Didnt get anyone to buy.Pfft.Pathetic.Most of them who I approached bought it already.And some said they wanted to buy it on Sunday.And the rest,didnt want to buy.Almost had 4 people to buy the tickets,but they said,they would see if they have anything on,then Sunday they come and buy.Saw Iskandar Ismail,a malay singer.And one of the hot celebrities in one of the Channel 5 shows.He was with his gf.And he was cute!!haha.Bumped into him twice yesterday.Same goes to Iskandar Ismail.I heard the cute guy talking to his gf what you know,"I wanna go back and..." Then I didnt hear already.Wtf.His gf was a caucassian.Very hot.Lols.Let me go find out his name.
Ahh.Forget about it.I dunno his name. =( Hehe.ok.gotta time.
there it went
12:15 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006
My dreams,
My heart,
Torn apart
My faith in you,
My conscience,
My trust in you,
Couldnt find it no more
Everything in me,
All stranded in hell
There,yeah.Another stupid poem.Thank you.What do you expect from a girl,who has hopes,then all her hopes fell just because of a freaking person who ruined her life.Yeah.I think,I'll give up on guys.They suck lah.Heartless.Pfft.So,all the years I loved you,but you did this lah.Its like me loving you and you didnt care about it,like playing a game of catching.I had enough of you,I had enough of the game.And you KNOW who you are.You KNOW who you are.I shall never be nice no more.Because the more I be nice,the more people will think I'm an easy target to please.I have a heart too kay.Dont think only you have one.Im soooo goddamned angry at other stuff,and here you are adding more troubles to my life.Tell me if its fair.I helped you kinda a lot if you didnt realise.I helped you a lot.I tried so fucking hard to forget you,but I so freakishly cant.This is the end of everything.I cant take it anymore.The more I try to forget you,the more I feel like killing you.But im never that evil to kill anyone.So,fuck this.I might hate you for life and hate you for everything.But for the things you've done,
thank you.Thanks for acting like you
EVER cared.Thanks for acting like you were there for me.I give up on you,kay.Seriously,I do. You are the cause that made me cry for the 23895674th time in my life.Thanks for that.It wasn't once.You hurt me more than a million times.Sucks.
Im gonna go now.To the person,I hope you understand me and I just had to do that to vent out my anger.Im sorry.But i think i meant it,pretty seriously.
Now,Im off.Gonna cry for what I've done and cry my heart out and cry about everything that is going on in my life.I cant take it any longer man.Why must it be me?Why must I be born in this world?Why do I have a life like this?Why does everything goes wrong?The question is why.Someone just answer my freaking questions! GAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Stupid life,stupid shits,stupid people.Pfft.Im soo off.Coz I cant take things anymore.I should have died.I just should have. =(
Byes people..Blog next time.Dont have the strength to type more.
there it went
7:00 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
lols.had some freaking weird dream on tuesday morning.At around 5 am lah.Woke up for no reason.So then slept again.Ok.You wanna know what the dream was about?Hmmmm..Maybe nah..okok lah..Its really 100% goes nothing....
It was a normal school day.In the morning.But somehow,I wasnt in Swiss Cottage.I was in my primary school??Yeah.So got ready for lessons.Then,time flew very fast,like I just came to school,and school ended already.So then had to stay back for some stuff.Remedial I think.Yeah.So then,I saw these people who you know work in the bridal stores.
Yes,bridal stores.So,you can imagine what you're gonna read after this.I was asked to go to the Music room?So like what.Ok,let me see.The women from the bridal stores got me ready for I dunno what.After that,mum called me.Asked me to invite my friends to my engagement party.Yes,you can say "Wtf " to this.So,I was already like, 0.0 . Wore this pretty dress,baju kebaya and in purple.It was nice.Lol.Then they go wrap this ribbon like thing around my waist,and it came out to be a flower where I can hold it in the end.Weird.So,after that went to tell my friends to come my house? Yeah.After that went home in a Lexus car.Nice.OK.Reached home,saw my relatives there.Plus my
going-to-be fiance.It was
GROSS.And I mean really gross.Guess who my parents chose that would be my fiance in my dreams? My ex-classmate plus Syafiq,my so called uncle,friend.Gross.Gross.Lol.He is Mohamed Fitri.EEEEEEE. Fitri,you seriously suck.How can you ever get into my dream???!!!!!!! And being my fiance some more!! Gross!! Ok.That wasnt the end.Then got this man called the tok kadhi or what,was at my house washing my house with a few pails of water?Wassup with that?Then he was like,"This will make your relationship with him longer and be pure" ????EEEEEEEEEE!!So,then we became fiance and he K-I-S-S-E-D me on the cheeks.Gross.
Ok.I dont wanna continue.It was gross.Totally gross.Im never gonna continue twriting this in my blog.Pfft.NOW GO AWAY AND DONT ASK ME ABOUT IT!!!!!
Ok.after that weird dream,woke up took shower and got ready for school.Grr.So,on my way to the bus interchange,[I
NEVER used black magic kay.]I saw Fitri walking back home from school.Oh,how gross can that be? So,actually was talking on the phone with cuz.Wanted to say "Hi." But didnt dare to.Lols.So,instead,I rolled my eyes.In a pathetic way.And I think he also rolled his eyes.Hahaha.I hate him.Grr.My friends from my primary school,once dared me to say "I love you" to him.I did it.But right,when I was standing
RIGHT in front of him,I went like this...
Me: [looking very pathetic] Eh,Fitri.I got something to tell you.
Fitri: What??
Me: [covers face while friends all behind me] I....I....I...Oh, forget about it.
Fitri : Siao.
Lol.The words just wouldnt come out.And please.I dont have a crush on him.Hrmph.In R.I. some more.Pfft.So jealous.Raffles.Ok.Nvms.Shall not blabber about it anymore.One more thing,don't think I have a crush on him,because I just don't!!!!EEEEE.He can NEVER be my future boyfriend nor my fiance nor my husband.Because if he does,Im gonna puke and puke and puke.Lols.EEEE.He's too gross lah.Anyway,I dont want a bf who's in the rugby team.Later I kena hantam by him,I'll be like all bruises and stuff.Haiz.Ok.Gtg.Byes.
there it went
10:58 AM
Monday, September 04, 2006
I dont know what to say,but my life is so freaking meaningless.No strength to move on anyway.I wanted to cry and cry and cry all the way till my life ends,but its just useless.I shall not cry anymore. I shall try to be happy.And so far only 1 person had seen the difference in me.Im faking to be me I used to be.And that person who knows I've changed throughout this 9 months is Nadzirah.Thanks for being there for me ALL the way girl.And nade,you too.The me that I used to be was a happy go lucky girl,be bubbly and always a smile on me.But,now Im faking all these.And I thought no one would realise.So here i am blogging about my fucked up life.Did one poem for no special reason.
I hate to be me
That I had to admit
This is just so fucked up
And everything MUST go wrong
Now let me ask
Why in the world are we fighting for?
I thought family means one
And we solve the problems as one
In years to come,
It'll be obvious there's a split
Probably a split
Which will go on FOREVER
Tell me
Are we meant to be a family?
Are we meant to support each other
With rivalries going on between one another?
I just dont understand what they want
What they need
Everything's just not going right
Nor am I thinking right
Is this what we want?
We've come this far
And now you're telling me
We're gonna break up into pieces?
This is not making sense
I cant take things anymore
I just wanna live in peace
Where God will be by me
There.The whole thing doesnt make sense,I know.Its supposed to be senseless.Since my life is also meaningless.I shall stop here.Nothing really happened lately.Just cries from the heart.And everything so fucked up in life.and I dont know what to do besides dying.And yeah.I dont know what to do.I shall stay the way I planned to be and will always be.
there it went
4:58 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Taken from Nade's blog. =D
1. Male friend: I dunno.Rifdi?? Yong Xuan?? Shahrin??
2. Female friend: Chahaya and Nazz and lots more.(:
3. Vacation: I havent been travelling to other countries beside KL for the past years.
1. Time of the day: Afternoon/Evening.Facing my brothers and family.
2. Day of the week: Sunday.SAME REASON AS ABOVE.
3. Food: Tapioca and curry.Eww.
4. Memory: Trying to make me remember the past eh?
1. Person you saw at school/work: Chahaya.[she's nuts.]
2. Talked to on the phone: Syarfeena[she talking about,ehem,someone.]
3. Text: Mr Seah,my Pri 5 teacher.Wished him a Happy teachers' Day.
5. Person who Instant Messaged: I forgot. =/
1. What are you doing now: Isnt it obvious?Doing this quiz.
2. Wearing: A pink shirt from New Zealand[sheeps all around.BAAAA.] and black trackpants.
3. Better than yesterday?: more fun.
1. Is: Sunday.Facing family members.Which I kinda hate to do so.
2. Got any plans: Go to a wedding invitation by Uncle Syafiq's cousin.Pfft.And wasting time playing badminton with freaks.
3. Goal: To get A1's for ALL subjects.
4. Likes about tomorrow: Everyday is a SAME day.Nothing new.
1. Number: 4,44,444,4444,44444,444444 and the list goes on.4 lah.
2. Song/s: Jojo - Too Little too late
The Veronicas - When It All Falls Apart
1. Missing someone: yups.more than you think.
2. Mood: Bored.At the same time a bit =(
3. Wanting: To
kill myself.
I am a morning person: Never.
I am a perfectionist: Nopes.False.
I am currently in my pajamas: eyy.If i still in pajamas,my dad will scream at me lah. FALSE.
I am currently pregnant: Common sense question.Hell NO.FALSE.
I am currently single: What do you expect from a SEC 1 student?
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: True.Probably a broken heart that cannot be mended again.
I am left handed: Sometimes.So partly true.I use both hands to
I am addicted to friendster: eee.No.False.
I am online 24/7: Get a life man.False.
I am very shy around the opposite gender: Not really.Heheh.
I currently have a crush on someone: True.
When I get mad I curse frequently: Who doesnt?But I'll still curse even if im not mad.
I enjoy country music : So damn yucky lahh..No.
I enjoy smoothies: Only sometimes.
I enjoy talking on the phone: Yeah! I always do,till my parents are always babbling about my bill.
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: I'm a
GOOD student.rofl.
I have a hidden talent: Yeps.Once again Im asking,who doesnt?
I have a lot to learn: Yeah.A lot to learn from EVERY SINGLE source of work.
I have been told that I am smart: True. Some people do think Im smart.Thankies!!
So didnt blog yesterday.Went to HPB for bro's appointment.Sat there for 1 1/2 hour.Called Nurul.She bored,I bored and so we talked.Then after that,went to my bro's new school.[Fuck the students of 4/10 in Qihua Primary.Fuck to the principal in Qihua Primary.]I thought it was going to be green and white.But nah.It was an old school made up of bricks.Lols.It was near to my uncle's clinic for god sake.And it's in Jurong.Fucking far.Thought of like sending in the documents for application to that school,but it was closed.So then,went to my uncle's clinic.Before going there went makan with dad and bros.Maid was at grandma's house to take care of cousin.So,she followed my grandma to go to my uncle's clinic.Hmm.Went to uncle's clinic.Wasnt that packed.Lol.As usual,the queue number my grandma had was always before other patients who were there first.hehe.Cool.Baby cuz was also sick.haiz.Thanks to me lah.So,when I just stepped into the room with my baby cuz in my hands,my baby cuz started crying for no reason.Lols.I think he was scared.I dunno why.He's weird.Lols.Then,brought him out.Walked around with him.yeah.Bored.Then,went to coffeeshop,grandma and maid ate,before going back.Then,went to grandma's house for a swim.whee!Did some crap in the pool[i.e. dance.]wtf.
Went home after through books.Then i realised it wasnt worth it.
I cut myself again.. slept at 12.haiz.I think im getting the hang of it.Tell me,if I ever die this year,would anyone care? would anyone ever cry over me?Grr.I dont understand.Sometimes,I just feel like dying now.Im so hopeless according to my mum.And what do you want me to do? I just have this feeling that everyone hates me for not being myself on the inside.The thing is,I hate to show the real me inside.I just want to be happy and
thats it. I feel like hating everyone.But I know I cant.Feel like to live in a world far from everyone else in this planet.I dont wanna show my true feelings,the true me,and everything in me.And to those who have cared for me,no matter what your gender is,
I LOVE YOU .Dont ever think I hate you.Because I love you guys and gals,Im still living kay.If you werent there for me,I would probably be dead by now.I wouldnt be living.
Kay,I dont feel like typing nithing anymore.Byes.
Say goodbye to me,coz im gonna die.
there it went
12:14 PM