Sunday, June 03, 2007
okaay,went to JB today.Nothing much.Lol.Except that the braces were itching the hell out of me[?]..haha.but currently not wearing me coz i think im allergic to it.bwahahaa.coz im scratching all the mum said,take out first.oh wells.
Went to Giant.Bought stuff.For stock.nyehehe.Dad bought softwares,thought i could buy some PC games for me to play.But nahh,games like kinda boring.There was SWAP 4.didnt think of buying it though.went in Giant bought food stock and some other's fast forward...
Paid for the stuff and the list was like really long.From my hips to my leg.Lol.But total cost was only RM 211.64... cheap ehh?went to eat after front of New York Hotel, i ate until burst.basically it was just a simple trip.Nothing much.
Reached home,took shower and slept.Lol.Until my maid and bros come back.Oh yes,now i know what to wear for APM.My aunt gave me this nice black dress.Kinda like a coat,yeah..So then gonna wear that WITHOUT my braces,duh..Gonna curl my hair a bit and see first lahh.lalalala.
oh shit.the project.i havent do.what the hell.i haven't finish reading one malay book.shit.what the hell.i better start tomorrow morning.grr.
Ok..i think my dad wants to install the software now.Buaii!!!
there it went
7:22 PM
Saturday, June 02, 2007 my brace for back today.damn its hard
AND really look like some robot.sheesh.i asked for permission whether i could don't wear these braces while going camping,person said yes.wheee!but the main thing about this is,its really damn like sweating like some hott!!i walk like very stiff.and whatever.the list goes on..
kay,nothing much to say actually.kinda bored.since im stuck at home today but later going to go grandmother's house for sleepover PLUS helping her out in cleaning things.
and shit i can't barely bring in this thing.i cant even bend uncomfortable.i really look like a robot what in the world.
now,i really very tired.gonna get some sleep first byes!!blog soon.
there it went
1:14 PM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My leg hurts a lot.but its nothing.haha.guess i was too tired from walking around for 2 1/2 hours straight.went to
i-don't-know-where. i think it was Bishan.i really dont know where i headed was as if there was some kind of spirit inside me and brought me along to places.i really didnt realise where i was walking and kept bumping into people without saying sorry,i think.
let's just put it this mind is in a state of confusion.i dont know if i should cry or laugh or smile.well,i cried while walking around embarrassing is that?and now,i keeping all those tears and flash my smile now,so that no one will know what i'm feeling now.
now,i know what it means to this phrase, "
Choose your friends wisely." thanks rin,for reminding me about it! i think i owe you that i realise that friends will only be there during your happy moments.but,when you're down,and hey,you realise,no one's there to see you cry or to cry for you.and despite the joy you brought to their lives,it's worth nothing as they won't be there for you when you're in need.
and that phrase up there,i realised to choose your friend wisely,you have to look at these main factors.
1) To see if they could be there by you whenever you need them.
2) To cry with you when you are down.
3) To have the time to spend together with you when they're free
4) Someone who you could have fun with.
its worth nothing when your friends take out all the fun that you have and you couldn't have any fun with them or yourself.Life will be meaningless.I had tried enduring it a hell lot of times.Im getting sick and tired of it.I just cant help to break down now.
Tell me whats the fucking reason to make you so fed up when I know that I didnt do anything wrong but to follow what I should do and told to do.Look,my dad thought me something.And till now,he keeps reminding me about it.
" Be a leader,not a follower."
Im not trying to be the leader or the head,but at least I have a mind of my own not to always blindly follow what people say.I have my way to change it a little,and to certain extent,make it better.And if i keep on being a blind follower who does everything that people say,I wont succeed.I'm trying my best to be the top,however knowing that i can't yet and have a long way to go,I won't stop there.I keep on going until i achieve to at least a certain standard.
You can call me greedy,but the plain truth is that im not.I dont really want attention,i dont really want to be bossy neither do i want to be greedy.I just want to give my best shot for the things that i do.But something is always stopping me.The friends that I have.Most of the time,I give in.Even though that's the only chance i have to show what i can really do.
I did a reflection on myself,and yes,i do admit,i still need to improve myself further.I need an intensive self-improvement session with myself,to upgrade myself and bring me to a whole new level.I hope it will work though.Pray for me.
And rin,Im really thankful to you for making me realise kinda a lot of things.sorry to have bothered you or something though.
Now that it isn't worth it,I'm not going to turn back.And my decision is firm.Dont come and tell me, "Why are you acting so cold?".. I'll shoot that question right back at you.And I'm really serious about this.Because now,once I look forward,I won't turn back and let the old prejudice come back again.And if I said,I won't,well,I won't.Forget about the promises we've made,forget about the things that we wanted to do in future.I'm going to live life as it is and go straight and not backwards.Don't you dare try to cry in front of me or give me that sad face you always do.Because from now on,I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT IT AND I WON'T SYMPATHISE YOU ANY FURTHER.
-you aren't worth to be called a friend.and you know that.
there it went
6:50 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
1. 0ne silly name you were called by your close friends?> Khali-POK. sheesh..and i dont even know what it means?
2. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?> CHOCOLATE IS HEAVEN!! <3333
3. What movie/s are you waiting for?> Fantastic 4 and Happy Potter.oops,i mean Harry Potter.
4. If you wanted to be in a band, what would you call it?> Amethyst, i think.its a sorta of a gem?
5. What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?> i dont know.i eat a lot of weird things.oh yes. chocolate with tomato sauce. =)
6. do you want to live with your love forever?> if God let us be,then yes.
7. Where is the place you want to be right now?> a place filled with serenity and green spaces.
8. What song do you listen to feel happy?> Mika - Grace Kelly/Love Today
9. In The Lord of the Rings, who do you like?> im not a fan of Lord of the Rings.thank you.
11. What movie/s made you cry?> any movie that is sad??im very sensitive.heh.
12. Name famous people you had a crush on?> Jesse McCartney and Aaron Aziz,surprisingly.
13.What is your favorite drink?> milo and PLAIN water.
14. Who is/are the cartoon characters that you like?> Winnie the Pooh,Barney and spongebob
15.are you a money stealer?> no lahh.i wont be that mean.
16. If you could freely kill just one celebrity, who?> Definitely Paris Hilton.She's a slut,baybehh.
17. Coke or Pepsi?> is there any difference?
18. In a week, how many times do you go online?> everyday.
20.crushing> *smiling with a grin*
21. Describe yourself in one word?>
yes,i'm self-obsessed.22. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?> sit up and then lie down again.
23. What's the last thing you do before you go to sleep?> watch tv or read book.
24. Something about you that you're proud of:> hmmm...nothing?
25. Are you in love?> why should i tell you?
26. What's your mobile number?> nehnehnipoopoo.. go find it somewhere here.
27. Are you happy?> im always happy.
28. Why?> i dont reason?
29. is there sumthing u wanna do?> lose weight, get good grades and to write more poems.
30. What are you listening to right now?> Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder
32. What was the last thing you ate?> fried rice that i cooked!yay!
33. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? why?> black. because its for shading so that picture will have more effects.
34. What did you eat for breakfast?> nothing?except mashed potato.
35. who is the last person you talked to?> hehh..him.
36. Last person who sent you a message?> refer to 35.
39. What are you wearing?> a white shirt plus school shorts.
40. Favorite day/s of the week?> currently,everyday.
41. Favorite place?> some place where its filled with serenity and green spaces.
kay,currently, paint.NET is being a bitch coz i've been downloading it since 3 hours ago and its still not finished.bitch.and while i downloaded the thing,i managed to cook fried rice for the family.what the hell.its really being bitch.
forget about it.
anyway,LDDS didnt do anything for CCA today.well,we stoned in class for 1h 30mins,until i called ms rina and asked her if there was any CCA.she said there was and asked me and nazz to come down to Dance Studio.Then she said we could go up again and wait for them.We waited.Catherine was there too! yay! after 1 and half hours of stoning Ms Kaur sms-ed Catherine that we were released without us doing a single thing.And duh,its called wasting of time.bwhahaha!!went home.took half an hour to walk from school to MRT station when usually we would only take 10 mins.this is what people call pro.
went home,in front comp.not going out coz he's week he woahh? but its okay.its just a call away! hahaha.
ok.i'm really bored waiting for this bitchy paint.NET to be installed to my comp.really being bitch. @!#!#$@!#
so,anyhows,blog next time when im free! byes!!
there it went
4:00 PM
im so bored.gahh.though im going to school in a while more.well,holidays hadnt been that great.
looking at the situation,he's going back to school.moving out soon to at least a 45 minutes journey from here.sheesh.shows that we can't go out together often. =(
But its okay.i'll treasure each moment we've spent and well,i'll pray that you'll do the best.wait,i know you will.hahah.
And once again,i've been rather emo than ever.goddamnit.whats up with me?fuck it.
k, later.gonna get ready for school.and meeting up with nazz.if im late,she'll kill me.
there it went
8:55 AM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Feeling sick today.Gonna get fever soon,i think.Already having flu.Lol.Right,taht wasnt the topic i wanted to talk about.
Okay so,watched Spiderman 3 today instead of yesterday.Spiderman was boring shit.I managed to sleep during the show.Amazing huh?The overall was really boring.This convict become Sandman and then stole money and Spiderman saves the day.Then comes Venom who later in the scene comes out of Spiderman's body and to this photographer called Eddie Brock.And Eddie Brock was killed because Spiderman killed him and blablablabla.It was boring shit.But there was a few scene where Toby Maguire looked like Joel Madden minus off the tattooes and all.Hhaha.But the show is still boring.
Well yesterday,went to library to borrow malay books with my maid.met up someone.did little shopping.oh wells.saw this really cute pencil box.haha.wanted to buy it,but dad called and asked to check out if there was any Spiderman shows later that night at 9.duh,there wasnt.and so,after checking,went to Metro,Gift a Name,Cards and Such and More than Words.Oh and also,Kiddy's Palace.After much roaming around,i called dad if we were going to eat at Banquet.He said yes.So we went up and stoned there for half and hour.Until Mr Seow bumped into me.OOOPS.But its okay,i was with my maid only.Lol.Stoned at the table for 8 for half and hour with people kept coming to us and asking,"Is anybody sitting here?" Really bored.I annoyed my dad by calling him a few hundered times.Heh.And asking him the same question again and again.And my maid and I were super hungry lah.HAHAHA.
After eating,went to Popular.Bought Chicken Soup :Teenager's Soul IV. Kinda nice book.So yeah.Been reading since yesterday night till now?Lol.Later going out again to eat with him.My maid covering up for meh.WOOTS.Isnt she nice?LMAO.Im going out and i haven't got ready?
Okay people!! I really got to go now?BYES!
there it went
4:04 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Dang,im suddenly addicted to old all of them is niice!! especially "Because you loved me" by Celine Dion.Like wth?lol.Maybe Teachers' Day i sing this lahh.or maybe i anyways,holidays are here.wait,not holidays.shit.whatever lahh.lots of assignment given.sheesh.Project work and what the hell.but its bored like shit.going to library because i have to borrow MALAY books and read them for "Hantu Z".grr.actually i got nothing to what in the world.hahah.
ook.byes people.
coz i got nothing more to talk about.heh.sorry for wasting your time reading this stupid post. =)
there it went
12:31 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Okay,so i owe 2 people stuff.And so,im gonna paste it on my blog.WAHAHA.Jolene,this is the poem you want.It's actually a Valentine's Day poem,but oh well,it can be used for other occassions,stop blabbering and here it is.
As time pass by,
as I sit all alone in the corner;
I tend to cry,
always felt like a mocker
At times when you weren't there,
And we weren't yet a pair;
I was of no one's care,
And of no one's share
The me I've always faked,
Wasn't the me I really am'
Hoping that these wings won't break,
'Coz I'm afraid to land with a slam
When you're down,
Feeling cornered;
Willingly,I'll be your clown,
As long as the feeling's conquered
This is specially for my boo,
For hearing my hue;
When there is a me and you,
There's always love out of the blue
Hahah.Some lines,the meaning is like messed up.Hahaha.But its okay.So that one off the list.Another one is actually a picture.Rather disgusting than to nice.But some people just want it,and so,for their sake im pasting are the pics.Maybe its not that clear.but try visualising it.And its not meant to be a racist picture.It was an out of boredom drawing thingie.hahah.
In the midst of creating "Boogawoogaman".Or what Chahaya call it,"Manmaid"
Inspired by:A mermaid??

Then we decided that the "Boogawoogaman" should be king.Throw in the crown and voila!
(P.S. The ones in the middle are the ribcage and the intestine and the erhem,boobs and the butt.Lol.)
Lol.Most of it comes from Chahaya.It was real nice.I was like a mad woman.seriously.if you look real close,you'll know what i mean.its really sickening and disgusting.she'll produce more if you ask,i guess.
So not much to talk about now except that June "HOLIDAY" assignments are given.Reason why I placed inverted commas for the holiday is because actually there's really no holiday.Because every week also must go back to school like mad person.then whats the use of saying its a holiday when you still need to come back as if there were lessons in school.sheesh.dont they UNDERSTAND the meaning of HOLIDAY?if they dont,this is the definition.
Holiday : a period of relaxation : vacation
A period of woahhh.their understanding is sooo good that i can barely stay at home for rest during the holidays.tsktsktsk.
ok,so anyway,im really sleepy now.i just came back from school 1h ago.Went to Science Centre for fun.and very tiring.Lol.Then went out with him for a while.Went back and now im in fornt the computer almost going to doze off.
But before i do doze off in front of the computer,i have to finish up :-
1) English reflections on Nazis
2)Maths Pythagoras' theorem
Like wth.I can really doze off while doing.sheesh.ok people,gotta go now..byes!
there it went
6:23 PM
Friday, May 18, 2007
got 78% for malay. least an A1 for malay though i did it half to get higher than 2 people who wanted to beat me for malay.haha.too bad.
so anyway,nothing much.except that i lost one dollar to a fag.grr.i lost to him in art by 2 marks.if only i had done some background,damn.i would definitely get higher than i hate it and him.
oh yes,LDDS ended 2.30 today,but committe people have to stay back and read the After Action Review[AAR].read most of it and i was lmfao at Dickson's review.haha.damn funny.went home with nazz.
kinda boring actually.sheesh.coz being grounded during the holidays,but i'll try to sneak out with the help of my played badminton.short kid wasnt there.but his brother was.sheesh.played with my maid.i think i twisted my hand a bit.but who cares?i still can play,thats the best thing.nyeheheh.gonna play tomorrow morning.but first,i have to apply skin on the index finger is "tearing".hahaha.i think im getting better day by day.and playing with my maid is real fun.
wahh.i really got nothing to say.oh yes,MISS JOLENE SNG,we still have a game of badminton to play.before school holidays must play horr.its a ORDER.hahah.
ok till then,byes.i think i wont blog for now,till i really got something to say.hehehhe.
there it went
8:35 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007 far,results kinda okay.damn.not that okay lahh.let me list out my final results for SA1.wait,only for some is the final.
English : 62.7/100 [final SA1]
Maths: 67.8/100 [final SA1][actually,i kinda forgot.]
Science : 64/100
Home Econs : 66.8/100[final SA1]
History : 64/100 [i gained 2 marks in SEQ]
yeps.thats all for now.havent got back malay.haha.and ART. someone's betting me one buck in
AND RONGY THANKS FOR THE ONE DOLLAR.BWAHAHA.I BEAT YOU IN SCIENCE AND WHEEE!! I'M GONNA BEAT YOU FOR ART!SO THAT I COULD GET MY SWEET 2 DOLLARS BACK! tsktsktsk.rong hao,rong hao.but somehow,i feel he's going to beat me for art.really.shitz.ohhh i hate it.anyway,my malay i dont give a dad doesnt give a damn.and my mum also doesnt give a damn.besides,i dont want to study just weird.hah.and im not pure malay,so why bother?wakakakaka.i think im better off failing malay.and i wont be surprised.i'll just go
hehehehehohhohohohahahaha!! lol.close one eye lahh. nothing more to say.tata.
there it went
6:42 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
lol.i PASSED english!! weeeeeeeeeeeeetsssss!!!i passed maths.i passed history.i passed home econs.i know yet.hahaha.I TOLD YOU I WOULD PASS ENGLISH!! I TOLD YOU!! =p okokok.lets not make it big.yeahh.but the important thing is I PASSED.FULL STOP.
When i was about to get my English paper,i was scared like shit.scared i fail for english again.but i was like, "okay lah.but its still not that good." .. hah,i agree.anyway,current marks for it is..
English: Paper 1 pt.2 : 19/30
Paper 2 : 31/50
Maths: Paper 1 :35/50
Paper 2 :35/50
History: 62/100
Home Economics: 29.5/50
Lol.Sheena go write for my History exam total marks 67.Pro.If my marks were 67 I would be the and Gerald.Lol.But sadly,it wasn't like that. awww. and for maths,marked tallied,and it gave me 70.woots.but because of that,i lost 2 bucks to a bet.shit.
how i hate him.hohoho.really lahh.if i had bet with him in english right,i would win.but i sweeet 2 face sia..
so,anyways,the exam results are scaring the shit out of me.and i dont think i could bare seeing my science results.SHHHHHIIIITTT!! my dad wants to see maths.he doesnt give a damn about malay,and so i also do malay who in my family would care about malay.seriously.
oh yes,speaking of malay, my youngest brother FINALLY scored for Malay.73/100. a miracle lahh.REALLY A MIRACLE.because usually he gets 40/100 for malay.i was like wth at first.but i finally resign word.or i think so.
eh,nazz sorry about just now.actually i tak jadi go'll tell you about it.anyway,sorry!!!
okay peeps.gotta go.byes!
there it went
6:40 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Kayy,yesterday had out from 2.40 to 4.30..hahah.funn.but shall not elaborate.lols.
and when i reached home,actually i felt bored.because i get bored VERY 5 went down played badminton.haha.played with Umar.some p6 long didnt play with him.heh.He beat me 15-10. like what the heck.he won because of the wind.he sore loser with the wind.sheesh.but its okay.its just a difference of 5 up at 6.went up,watched spongebob.haha.took shower after that and i slept,until this morning.
hahah.i slept for 12 was freaking nice.but when i suddenly woke up at 10.44,i thought why is my maid already sleeping?at first i thought it was at 8 or 9 ++..seriously..but then i looked at my phone it was almost
and i didnt pick up 2 calls from him.oooops.damn,my maid singing like siao.i call her she act so deaf.grr.pekak sia she quiet bored.
oh yes.i screwed oral yesterday.heck i give a damn like that.i only screwed english.malay was cikgu,not much of a problem.
now,im seriously nothing to talk about.and voila,im done blogging.
there it went
9:02 AM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Well,yesterday went to Barney party.Dont know what the heck i did there.But sure was good day to laugh.Especially me and,erhem,setan *pointing at my maid* were laughing like mad at the party since we've got nothing better to do. What we were laughing at?HEH.some stuff like..
1) pretending to drive a go-kart.but not exactly a was a kart made out of a dustbin?then we "planned" to install a steering wheel and all.however,it still wont be able to move because the steering wheel not connected to the wheels.and so,conclusion was either of us has to push with only the head popping out.
2)being the her that she is,when they announced about the arrival of "Barney",that setan was pointing to me.and she was like, "there,barney's,really they coming towards you..." she sucks lahhh.i ran kids who believed that barney was coming from the sea?thats the end,barney came out from where?the front door of the chalet.its lame sia..
3)quarrelling over who is setan and jin.she started it first.she called me jin and i called her setan.sheesh.and she wants to make a fuss out of it. I was like, "Eh,setan,diam larhh.i know you look like need to elaborate."
Then she went, "eh,jin kepret,you think you dont look like setan ahh?your face also like jin kepret lahh."
And actually this thing happens,its not a new "quarrel" everyday calling names and all.bwahaha.most the time she started it first and sometimes i start the quarrel.hahah.scoundrels.
Okok.I confess.Barney has lost the fight against Spongebob.So,i'll let Spongebob win this time.I take back my words of saying that Barney is cute,nade and rin.somehow,the Barney i saw yesterday was disastrous.He wasn't even PURPLE. *sobs*
Enough of talking about,i think barney sucks.geez.
and when my cuz,her friend,my maid and I were bored,we asked for permission to go cycling.Was granted.woots.Cycled around for 1 hour only.the uncle actually was generous to give 1 1/2 hours.but it was dark already.anyway,its been a long time since i cycled real fast like yesterday.wait,it was actually just 2 months ago.oh well.its still is long.but the ride was awesome.real fun.somehow,we're always met up with dead ends.that isnt fun.and when i suggested to go further up the two kids didnt want to.spoil only seh they we ended up going on u-turns most of the time.haizz.
what really pissed me off was when the two kids started shouting some irratating and annoying stuff.they're really was embarrassing okay.there was like a hell lot of people and they were shouting those words.and besides,i really got no feelings left for that person.yet,they failed to understand the simplest meaning to what i've said earlier wasnt once or twice,it was continuous.until i had to threaten them to cut their lane,which i really did.annoying kids.seriously,i was really pissed off,but i kept quiet.
then after,we sat down inside the chalet.i was about to pick up a call from him,when my cuz started to k-po and the end i didnt pick up.hah.the two kids wanted to talk to him,which
I WOULD NEVER ALLOW BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT THEY'RE UP TO.i ended up not picking 2-3 calls from him.damn those kids who would never give me peace.on the 4th call then i picked up and talked.but that also,i had to run to the toilet,but failed to close the door,coz they tried opening annoying?when they left,i could
FINALLY pick up the call and talk to really is
VERY difficult to talk to him when they're around.bullshit.couldnt talk long though.they came back in a matter of minutes.tsktsktsk.i guess i have made a wrong decision to attend the party.heh.
so anyway,got nothing else to blog about.see yaa!!
there it went
12:15 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
Okay people!i take back my words of the so called
the-man-who-could-be-my-grandfather person.He's not dead.He just
PRETENDED to be dead.OHH SHIT HIM. Could someone just shoot his bloody head off so that he wont live anymore???I reallly hate him.grr.why does HE have to live.bleugghh.Sucker.fking asshole who consider women as cheap.grr.
Forget about it.Anyway,met up with him today.sheesh.he cut-ed his hair botak once again.However,he did looked cute as usual.hah.went to his house.LOL.surprised him a bit.act so decent like that.per jer.was about to go out with him,but damn,grandmother called and i cant go out.damndamndamn.but he also has to go for friday prayers,so i guess its okay long i see he's still alive its going out on monday.
wait,monday i am supposed to go vivo city with nazz.ok.then how now?nahh.i'll think about how am i going to split it.coz on monday he's working at night..bah.
anyway,today went to grandmother's house.reached there 2.30.Nurul wasnt there yet.and i waited 2 hours for her to come.During the 2 hours,i slept,like duh,what else would i want to do at my grandmother's house?hah.decided to go home at 5,scared later dad come home first i wanted to go roaming again,but well,decided not the time i reached woodlands it was 5.50.and if i were to walk around causeway point,when i reach home,my dad would already be home.heh.decided to go tomorrow and go shopping.okayy,not really shopping since i've been there almost everyday.haha...but,i'll see first. really bored nothing to do.surprisingly,dad didnt nag when i used the computer.he just looked and went up.seems like today is a super tiring day,but i'm finee.i'll sleep early today and run 2.4km tomorrow body is aching after not running for 2-3 weeks.gonna practice playing basketball'll give me a good stretch.
okayys people,bye!! i've got nothing more to say except,
there it went
7:08 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Exams OFF the list.And its a thank god.Today was art,and miraculously i managed to finish it within half an hour.Hahah.It was a case of doing anyhow.Heh.I definitely suck in art whats more to think creatively
AND DRAW.Heck care about art.Its not that important isn't it?Well,maybe.But its worth nothing to me.I mean it doesnt define my future,unless i choose to be an artist or whatsoever.But,the fact is I'm not going to be.And so,art is worthless to me.I do not really appreciate much of art,except for music and some abstracts.I still dont get why we have an exam on ART AND CRAFT..? Isnt it better to learn something that has to do with modern technology?Like computers and technical stuff?Rather than to have an exam where you have to crack your brains just to draw and get grades on your report book.Let's just see it as an odd one out subject.
Look at some other schools for example, Kranji Secondary School,they do NOT have an A&C exam.So,why do we have A&C exam while other schools doesnt?It really is ridiculous.Its
not that im looking down on the arts,but let me ask,is it worth it?Does it determine our future if you're not going to be an artist?It doesnt,right? Its like we're wasting 1 hour of precious time to just do this especially when you dont know what the heck the teacher is talking about.Haiz.I just find it ridiculous to have this as an examination subject.It's just more than weird.
Anyway,yesterday Home Econs paper.I dont know what the heck I was writing most of the time.If i recalled correctly,it was full of crap.Yeah,it was crap.I wasn't fully concentrating on the paper.I dont even know what the questions were asking about.My mind was somewhere very far away.Lol.
Okokok.Let's stop this.I dont want to be all downs again like yesterday.I want to be up AND high!!!!! WHEEEE!! yes,up and high! haha.that was super lame.I want to be all smiles and not to be sad.Im a kind of girl who hates to be sad,no matter what hits me,whether it hit me real hard or not,I still want to be all smiles!if you dont realise,i am the weird person i heart can be aching and hurting but it wont stop me from smiling.And when i smile,nobody would know if im crying real bad in the inside.thaaats me.i learn this method from influenced by her too when i laugh and smile a lot,never ask me if i'm okay,because i really dont want to debate about it.when i laugh and smile,and you come over and ask,are you okay, i will start crying on the outside too. ='(
so,never do that,kaysss?with all this,i came up with this mission.
My mission : To make everyone in this world smile and be relieved from the depressed,sad and dark world they live in their everyday lives.Mission quite impossible.but its okay.i'll try my best to fullfill every component of this mission and make everyone smile at the end of the day.let me start with my family members,then my friends and then the world.I may be over ambitious,but its good.It'll push you harder to make the impossible mission and make it possible.I just love to see people laugh and smile all the's just very soothing to the heart.really.The smiles and laughs you see on me is actually a mask that i wear everyday to cover all the tears that are welling up in my eyes.
Let's really stop here now.Didnt i say i wanted to be up and high?? Okay,from here,i'll be up and high!!
Oh yes,received a...i dont know how to express it...received good cum bad news all together in one.Well,the news is..
Remember reading about the
man-who-could-be-my-grandfather person? yeah,that man,who is Pak Malau,so called manager of Ria,died 3 days ago because of an accident.It's good that he's gone forever now.It'll reduce the number of flirtness between old man here.sheesh.I really hate him from the flirty.every indonesian girls also he want to flirt with.tsk,tsk,tsk.
Reason why i said it was good news?well,it's his "reward" for all the evil things he had done to many indonesian maids working in Singapore.Because once he had sex with an indonesian girl and well,she got pregnant,duh.But he doesnt want to be,what kind of man is he really?no one knows.all we know is that he is one kind of a beast.
and bad news?won't be receiving lahh.its bad news for the family.struck them hard,must be.hmm..
now that he's no more in this world,i think we can kind of live in peace.haizz..everything back to normal...?well,maybe not that normal.but,better than last time.
he's coming back today.yaay!going to see him seems like ages.finally his coming back.hope he's not working.if he is,then,i dunno.haha.
okay.feeling tired,sweaty and real hot gonna take cold shower again and sleep for a while.
thanks to the depletion of ozone layer caused by people,the weather is getting warmer and more humid.
[music] it's getting hot in take off... [music]
forget about continuing the song.its rather disgusting.hahah.okay peeps.tata!
there it went
1:35 PM